Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day in Ottawa 2015

Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day in Ottawa 2015

  JUNE 16, 2015 – MEN’S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DAY Over 50 people gathered for this extremely important discussion on men’s mental health and the stigma that prevents thousands of men in Ottawa, and millions worldwide, from stepping forth to receive compassion,...
Findlay Creek author fights mental-health stigma

Findlay Creek author fights mental-health stigma

Findlay Creek author fights mental-health stigma Ottawa South NewsBy Erin McCracken Chris Nihmey is many things to many people – a son, boyfriend, friend, teacher and author. He also has a mental illness, and he refuses to let himself be defined by it. “I have an...
Readers And Writers, Listen Up!

Readers And Writers, Listen Up!

“What a powerful book!  I read it to her last night and we both had tears in our eyes.  Wonderful book and message!  I wish you success and continued healing.”  Chris Topper, Ottawa   With its beautiful full-paged coloured illustrations, SALLY is...
Exciting News for “Book Club” Lovers

Exciting News for “Book Club” Lovers

Great news for “Book Club” lovers! Over the last year, my book has been read by 3 different book clubs. They have had the opportunity to read my story, review it, and share their opinions with others in their club.  Feedback on my book has been amazing so...
Prologue – Two Sides To The Story: Living A Lie

Prologue – Two Sides To The Story: Living A Lie

Two Sides To The Story: Living A Lie I watched a little girl today while having a coffee at a Tim Hortons donut shop. She really was an image of peace and serenity, no more than five, as she sat with her mom in front of me, eating a sparkled donut, the kind that most...